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Mon Oct 30, 2017

Sympony Space, NYC

hosted by Christine Pedi

guests include:

Manny Azenburg- Broadway Producer

Julie Garfield - daughter of Actor John Garfield

Joe Gilford - son of Actor Jack Gilford

Lee Grant - Blacklisted Actress

Josh Mostel - son of  Actor Zero Mostel

Excerpt from Publicist Merle Debuskey Autobiography: The Gentleman Press Agent

about THE WORLD OF SHOLEM ALECHEM & the Blacklist

Broadway & The Blacklist:  Organized & hosted by Christine Pedi for BroadwayCon 2017
Bios of Blacklisted Artist featured in the discussion

Here are some links suggested by some of the panelists


For all info re your State's Reps & Senators


Actor Tom Pedi was my grandmothers 1st cousin.  He was devoted to his craft and to his country but sadly was blacklisted in the 1950's due to his sympathies with communism. Altho Hollywood banned him from working in films he always had a home in the theatre. HIs "unAmerican activities" included being a decorated veteran of WW2 having taken part in 7 invasions as a medic (who refused to carry a gun).  A more generous, tolerant,righteous  and KIND person you'll never meet. He was beloved by everyone who knew him  and whenever people remember him to me they do  so with with warmth and gratitude...a beautiful legacy.  I love him dearly.

Tom Pedi on the Blacklist

Ed Sullivan article

about Tom Pedi

Tom Pedi's FBI FILE

Tom Pedi's Bio

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